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What happened to my inquiry?
Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:10 pm
by kennycarvajal
It's no longer available. How come?
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 5:10 am
by HarBal
What are you referring to exactly?
Re: What happened to my inquiry?
Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 9:05 am
by har-bal
kennycarvajal wrote:It's no longer available. How come?
You placed an inquiry here, but you also emailed the same inquiry to Paavo and myself. We both sent you emails. I was the same exact question. Check your email.
Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 2:12 am
by kennycarvajal
Checked my e-mail. I never got any e-mails responding to my question from either of you, which is why I posted it here.
No biggie.
Thanks anyway.
Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 9:16 pm
by har-bal
kennycarvajal wrote:Earle,
Checked my e-mail. I never got any e-mails responding to my question from either of you, which is why I posted it here.
No biggie.
Thanks anyway.
Below is what I emailed you and what Paavo emailed you
We would like you to start here. ... m.php?f=26
Most of the questions you asked are in our tutorials. Once you go through them you will be pleasantly surprised.
To move the cursor from one spectrum plot to another just hold down the left mouse button and press the tab key on Your keyboard.
Don't worry about the yellow line when you are matching loudness. Moving the lines up and down has no effect on loudness.
Hello Kenny,
To bypass the EQ just press the toggle EQ button. If you don't know where that is open the users manual and read the tutorial. You can do so by clicking on the "help/Example tutorial" menu item.
You say you are mastering two singles of the same track, one with vocal and instrumental. I can understand that you wish to make them sound tonally comparable but I'd caution against making them identical. As they will have different instrumentation they will naturally have different harmonic content so by making the spectrally identical will mean compromising one or the other or both.
Please read the tutorial as it will describe more fully what you should and shouldn't do. It will also explain to you how to "switch the focus"
from the green trace to the yellow trace which, incidently, you do by pressing the tab key when using one of the filter design tools (parametric EQ or shelving tools). Spend some time experimenting for yourself to get an understand of how different parts of the spectrum influence the way things sound.
Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 10:32 pm
by kennycarvajal
Sounds good.
Thanks Earl!